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Hertford Theatre

Hertford Theatre / Events / Fri 27 Sep 2013

Who's Afraid of Rachel Roberts?

Who's Afraid of Rachel Roberts?

From minister’s daughter to Oscar-nominated, booze-soaked, shockingly foul-mouthed Hollywood star. Rachel Roberts, (played by BAFTA-winner Helen Griffin), was showered with awards for her powerful, passionate performances in the ground-breaking ‘kitchen-sink’ dramas, 'Saturday Night & Sunday Morning' and 'This Sporting Life'.

Marriage to Rex Harrison brought a superstar lifestyle, which she embraced whole-heartedly - and then set about destroying with her outrageous, provocative behaviour. But even in her darkest moments, no-one escaped her bleak and scathing sense of humour, least of all herself...

Suitable for children aged 8+

Tickets: £15, £13 Concessions

“a stunning one-woman performance” – WESTERN MAIL

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