Hertford Choral Society

Hertford Choral Society / Events / Sat 26 Oct 2024

Faure Requiem, Haydn and Nunes Garcia

Faure Requiem, Haydn and Nunes Garcia

This HCS autumn concert includes three sacred works, all written during the 19th century but in different parts of the world - Brazil, Austria-Hungary and France.

Brazilian classical composer and Catholic priest Jose Mauricio Nunes Garcia was born in Rio to mixed-race parentage. His Missa Pastoril is a sophisticated and charming piece which sits well in the voice. It is largely unknown. In contrast Haydn's secret motet Insane et van curse and Faure's Requiem with its memorable melodies and peaceful atmosphere are familiar to many.

Tickets are £20 (reserved), £15 (unreserved) and £5 (students).
Available from Hertford Town and Tourist Information Office in person or via https://www.ticketsource.co.uk/booking/venueplan/RdiEJKhzXNnT

For more information visit https://hertfordchoral.org.uk/upcoming-concerts/

Event Location

All Saints Church

All Saints Church
Queen's Rd, Hertford SG13 8AY
SG13 8AY

Email: tickets@hertfordchoral.org.uk
Website: https://hertfordchoral.org.uk/upcoming-concerts/

Event Details