Hertford Town Centre will be filled with child friendly activities, games, promotions and events throughout the day, most of which are free of charge to enjoy.
Free Activities & Shows Include:
Free Activities
Hertford Library - will be open from 9.30-11.30 with a mixture of coding activities
Café Rouge – Come and enjoy free samples of drink and food and kids activities
Tots Zumbini – To book mini session just turn up on the day.
Gingerlillie – Come and Design your own T-shirt on the day! The winning design will be printed for the winner.
IlVino Café – Come for ice cream tasting.
Leaf Café – Come and join in Duplo, trains and colouring activities between 1.30-3.00pm.
Six Templars – 12noon-2pm kids pizza tasting
Hertford Theatre – Face painting for children
Discounted offers
Costa – Pop in for 25% off on everything if you buy a Meal Deal at Costa
Maxin Porcaro - Take advantage of 20% off a children haircut and discount vouchers for parents
Paul Martin – up to 10% for anything in store including ranges for teenagers.
Hertford Museum - Be inspired by Japanese technology and learn about piperoid robot models. Create your own paper craft robot or build a pet robot on wheels! Design a model remote control or make your own robot mask: Tues 6th August – Thurs 8th August, 10.30-3.30pm (last entry 3pm) £2.50 per child (Please note FREE places are available for low income families)
Hertford Theatre – Come to see movies for kids: 10:30 The Queen’s Corgi (PG), 1:30 Toy Story 4 (U), Tickets: £5;
Love Locks – Book appointment for your young one on 01992 558 058 for platting hair, beauty glitter, beauty tutorials/makeover only £5.
Old Barge – 3-6pm Come and Mummify your friend, £1 per child
Leaf - Spend an enchanting hour at Leaf creating magical tea lights aided by Fairy Fawn and Blossom the Unicorn Princess. 11am Wednesday 7th August. Cost £5 per child. Places are limited so booking is advisable
The Mill House - Come and join us for a day of playing & crafting. Toys, games and craft activities for ages 1-6. Two drop-in sessions. 9:30-11:30 & 2:30-4:30pm. £5 on the door.
Free Activity Areas
Parliament Square
11:00 – 16:00 Activities and child friendly market
11:00 - 11:30 Balloons Modelling
12:00 - 12:30 Ana Rodriguez presents: Zumbini for the little ones
13:00 - 13:30 Ana Rodriguez presents: Zumbini for the little ones
14:15-15:00 Mr Marvel Magical Show
Bircherley Green
11:00 – 16:00 Activities and child friendly market
11:30 - 12:00 Balloons Modelling
Salisbury Square
11:00 - 16:00 Circus Workshops
12:00 - 12:30 Balloons Modelling
13:00 - 13:30 Balloon Modelling
White Hart Courtyard
13:00 - 13:45 Mr Marvel Magical Show
Maidenhead Street
12:00 – 15:00 Ping pong
12:00 - 15:00 Everyone Active MINI OLYMPICS – fun little games with a fitness twist – for little ones (and parents) to win GOLD!
Events on the day!
- Hoopla Hoop ‘long jump’
- Star Jump challenge (how many can you do in 15 seconds!?)
- 10 metre dash (egg & spoon)
- Balance ball challenge
- Bean bag ‘shotput’
Prizes to be won:
- Everyone Active Certificates
- Guest Passes to use the centre (parents)
- Family Fun Swims
- 3 months free swimming lessons (x3 available)
- 3 months free fitness membership (ages 11+) (x3 available)
- 12 months free swimming lessons (x1 available)
- 12 months free membership (ages 11+) (x1 available)
*All workshops and events are subject to change times and venues. Please follow us on Twitter
Sponsored by Go Move, Cafe Rouge and 360 Play Stevenage
For more information visit https://www.hertford.gov.uk/events/hertford-play-day-532/
Event Location
Hertford Castle
The Castle,
SG14 1HR
SG14 1HR
Telephone: 01992 552 885
Email: events@hertford.gov.uk
Website: https://www.hertford.gov.uk/events/hertford-play-day-532/