Hepworth Brass Band / News / Mon 22 Jun 2020
Hepworth Band - Socially Distanced

Each year, on the last Monday in June, the village of Hepworth near Holmfirth hosts its annual Feast. This traditional event is a popular local gathering, involving an afternoon procession accompanied by Hepworth Brass Band and an evening village centre celebration.
The Feast marks the end of the Great Plague in 1665: the village is reputedly the most northerly place the disease reached, having been carried on cloth bought from London.
The plague divided Hepworth in two. In the ultimate act of social distancing, those infected isolated in one half of the village, helping to keep the rest of the villagers safe.
Thirteen people lost their lives.
Almost four centuries later, Coronavirus has seen the return of a need to distance ourselves, which has led to the cancellation of this year’s Feast, planned for June 29.
However, Hepworth Brass Band don’t want the occasion to pass by unmarked.
It’s been a big year for this Championship section band, formed back in 1882. In their last outing they qualified to represent Yorkshire at the National Brass Band
Championship finals, due to take place at the Royal Albert Hall in October this year.
Since then, they haven’t been able to play together due to social distancing guidelines.
On the 13th June six of the talented soloists from the band played their first notes together since qualification at the beginning of March. However, this time they socially distanced! They performed the bandsman’s hymn, “Deep Harmony” live in the beautiful, historic setting of nearby Wooldale Hall, in a bid to give something back to their local community and to raise much needed band funds.
The video, which can be viewed via the bands website, tells the interesting and very relevant story behind the commemoration of Hepworth Feast, an event which has
been cancelled this year for the first time in its long history. There are obvious parallels with current times and the need to socially-distance again.
More pieces from the recording session will be released in due course.
Ryan Watkins, the band’s Musical Director, said” “The band is an important part of Hepworth and the people in the village are important to us. We want them to be able to enjoy a warm, comforting and familiar sound, especially in these difficult times”.
This is also an important community fundraising opportunity for the band at a time when traditional income generation events, grants and new sponsorship opportunities have stopped. Money raised will be used to help fund the broadcasting of a series of
online concerts to the community as well as essential changes required to their bandroom to allow them to return to rehearsals.
For more information visit http://www.hepworthband.com/
News Location
Hepworth Road
Telephone: 07885 251 454
Email: secretary@hepworthband.com
Website: http://www.hepworthband.com/