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Heart & Sole

Heart & Sole Learning, Networking & Social Events for Web People

Heart & Sole was devised by Tom Kentell and Alex Stanhope, two experienced Web industry professionals based in the (sometimes) sunny city of Chichester in West Sussex.

The concept is simple: to bring people together for regular social events as well as training and networking opportunities. Organisers Tom and Alex have been longtime advocates of Web standards and the power of continued education to “open doors”, and so the decision was taken to ensure that the mix of attendees was split equally between those currently working in the industry and students looking to make a mark on completing their programmes of study.

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Heart &amp; Sole 2: The Awesome Strikes Back / <span itemprop="startDate" content="2011-11-19T00:00:00Z">Sat 19</span> to <span  itemprop="endDate" content="2011-11-20T00:00:00Z">Sun 20 Nov 2011</span> <span>(2 days)</span>Heart & Sole 2: The Awesome Strikes Back / Sat 19 to Sun 20 Nov 2011 (2 days)

Heart & Sole is back! Bolder and better than ever before, and yes, this time it's personal! We’re returning to Portsmouth landmark, the Spinnaker T...