
hcmf// / Events / Tue 21 Nov 2017

Talk: Michal Libera + Michal Mendyk

Talk: Michal Libera + Michal Mendyk

The history of PRES (Polish Radio Experimental Studio) meanders between high and popular culture, in between autonomous pieces of avant-garde or experimental art and its instrumental role in sound design for theatre, radio and film. This tension led to the institution’s development, eventually reaching the status of a well-established creative hub of the Eastern bloc. Delivering a basic historical context, this talk will focus specifically on PRES’s history, including milestones of Polish electronic music, achievements in music notation, cross-cultural exchange and its influence on everyday arts and culture in Poland.

Produced by hcmf// supported by the Adam Mickiewicz Institute as part of the Polska Music programme

PRES@60 is co-curated by Michał Libera, Michał Mendyk and Daniel Muzyczuk and co-financed by the Adam Mickiewicz Institute e

Free Event

For more information visit http://hcmf.co.uk/event/talk-michal-libera-michal-mendyk/

Event Location

Huddersfield Art Gallery

Princess Alexandra Walk
West Yorkshire
United Kingdom

Telephone: 01484 430 528
Email: info@hcmf.co.uk
Website: http://hcmf.co.uk/event/talk-michal-libera-michal-mendyk/

Event Details


Festivals, Music
