Harbour House / Events / Fri 10 to Wed 15 May 2019 (6 days)

An exhibition of watercolour paintings by Colin Allbrook RI, RSMA, SEA
A celebration of the colours and especially the light we find here on and around the coastline, towns and estuaries of the south west. The paintings will be in watercolour and bodycolour, a luminous medium ideal for describing the hazy light and tones seen along the coast. The exhibition will be an attempt to capture a sense of the time and moment of the life as it is lived here by the sea and in the surrounding landscape.
Selected awards :
Winner of the Neal Meacher sketchbook award 2013 RI
Winner of the Turner Watercolour Award 2009 for outstanding watercolour painting at the Royal Institute of Painters in Watercolour
Winner of the Lincoln Joyce-Rowland Hilder Award 2009 for an outstanding watercolour landscape at the Royal Institute of Painters in Watercolour
Election to the Royal Society of Marine Artists 2008
Election to the Royal Institute of Painters in Watercolours 2001
Election to the Society of Equestrian Artists 1998, made an Honorary Member 2013
Member of the South West Academy of Fine and Applied Arts
Winner of the Excellence in Watercolour award at the Royal West of England Academy 2001, 2003, 2008, 2010
For more information visit https://www.harbourhouse.org.uk/g19-ca.shtml