Harbour House / Events / Tue 04 to Sat 08 Mar 2014 (5 days)

Kingsbridge Community College presents its ninth annual exhibition of Fine Art, Photography and Art Textiles at Harbour House.
The exhibition gives the VI Form students the opportunity to show off coursework produced for their studies AS and A2 Level.
Fine Art students in Year 12 are currently working on three projects: in 'Representations of the Sea' and 'Artwork of the Cinema' students are developing their work in paint and mixed media, and 'Fantastic Forms' gives them an opportunity to branch into sculpture.
Year 12 Art Textiles students are developing an innovative range of two and three dimensional pieces in response to studies of plants and flowers.
Year 13 Photography students develop their own projects using film and digital cameras, and exploring the possibilites of both traditional darkroom facilities and sophisticated compter software. Themes include ‘Playing with Light’, ‘Throwaway Society’, ‘People’ and ‘Mixed Media’.
For more information visit http://www.harbourhouse.org.uk/gallery-kcc14.html