Harbour House / Events / Tue 08 to Wed 16 Aug 2017 (1 week)

Sea Moor / See Moor

Sea Moor / See Moor

We are three female artists inspired by the West Country landscape and the wildlife within it. Although separated by age, experience, artistic influence and technique, our united ambition is to invite and emotional resonse, evoke a memory and ignite imagination in others. As each artist specialises in a different medium, the exhibition will encompass their individual interpretations of their collective passion for the sea and the moor. The narrative will include the unseen processes behind the final images, including sketchbooks, photographs and the artists at work in the gallery.

Opening View: Tuesday 8 August, 6 - 9 pm

For more information visit http://www.harbourhouse.org.uk/g17-seamoorseemore.shtml

Event Location

Harbour House

The Promenade, Kingsbridge

Website: http://www.harbourhouse.org.uk/g17-seamoorseemore.shtml
