Harbour House / Events / Fri 28 Apr to Sun 07 May 2017 (1 week)
Defining Boundaries

An exhibition by artists in the Defining Practice Course 2016 at Newlyn School of Art:
Sophie Carter, Jane Davies, Jonathan Foster, Maureen Hedges, Shirley Kirkcaldy, Martine McPherson, Denise Stracey, Jill Eisele and Emma Yorke.
Open Friday 28 April - Sunday 7 May 10 am - 5 pm
and Sunday 7 May 10 am - 4 pm
Opening View: Friday 28 April, 5 - 9 pm
Admission free
The exhibition presents a wide range of approaches, media and techniques and offers an insight into the development of practising artists.
While subject matter and media vary, the collection is united by a deeply-felt personal commitment to art practice and the desire to create an original and interesting exhibition reflecting the artists' individual preoccupations.
Visitors can expect to find much of the artwork rooted in the land and seascapes of the West Country, where the majority of the artists live and work. The exhibition includes original work in a range of media as well as limited edition prints and photographs.
For more information visit http://www.harbourhouse.org.uk/g17-definingpracticenewlyn2016.shtml