Harbour House / Events / Tue 03 to Sun 08 Oct 2017 (6 days)
Exploring Life and Landscape

Janey Hunt, Kath Pelforth, Clare Pumfrey and Frank Wotton bring together their creative visions to explore the concepts of life and landscape.
Frank Wotton utilises drawing, etching, printmaking and paint to reflect his
observations and engagement with the world around him. Working from the
human figure, Clare Pumfrey uses mark-making in graphite, charcoal, ink and
paint to describe the body and its potential to be seen and felt as landscape.
Kath Pelforth’s mixed media work focuses on the interrelationship between
the human figure and its environment. Whether it takes the form of drawing,
painting or collage, she attempts to create a narrative which alludes to that
relationship. Janey Hunt has recently returned to drawing and painting after a
career in socially engaged art practice. Her work explores mark-making in life,
still life and landscape.
For more information visit http://www.harbourhouse.org.uk/g17-exploringlifeandlandscape.shtml