Harbour House / Events / Tue 19 Sep to Sun 01 Oct 2017 (2 weeks)

Collective Works - Press Gang Printmakers

Collective Works - Press Gang Printmakers

Press Gang Printmakers is a lively group of artists based at Salcombe Art Club. Set up by Mike Glanville in 2008, the group is now run as a collective with all sharing the responsibilities of running the workshop and organising exhibitions.

The group has continued to evolve with workshops and trips to see other printmakers’ work broadening our knowledge of the craft. This year several members attended a woodblock workshop run by Rod Nelson which has generated great enthusiasm for new relief prints.

Over the last year members of Pressgang have developed a relationship with an Antipodean group of printmakers, also called Pressgang, and based in Sydney. This collaboration involves an exchange of prints which will be displayed during our show. A theme of ‘body parts’ formed the starting point for the Salcombe-based Pressgang’s prints, which members are also binding into a book to send to Australia.

Sharing the knowledge of methods and techniques has always been important to the creativity of the group and expanding that conversation with other groups, wherever they are, is important to the vibrancy of our work. The exhibition includes collaborative works as well as prints by individuals.

For more information visit http://www.harbourhouse.org.uk/g17-pressgang.shtml

Event Location

Harbour House

The Promenade, Kingsbridge

Website: http://www.harbourhouse.org.uk/g17-pressgang.shtml
