This year we have amalgamated our two Christmas Fayres into one, two day event on Friday the 15th and Saturday the 16th November at Seale Hayne. This is an earlier date than in previous years which we believe will help increase spend on gifts and by running the fayre over two days we will be able to attract different audiences. For this year we will also be working with our new Media Partner Devon Life, who will be promoting the event in their magazine as well as sending out details with their subscriber newsletters, so we are hoping to exceed our 2012 visitor numbers of 600 at our Kitley Fayre and 1500 at the Seale Hayne Fayre.
Hannahs at Seale-Hayne has had an incredible year so far and we continue to go from strength to strength. We would love you to come and join us during the Festive Season.
You can find more stalholder information here - http://www.creativetorbay.com/networks/creative-torbay/documents/hannahs-xmas-info.pdf
You can find a booking form here - http://www.creativetorbay.com/networks/creative-torbay/documents/hannahs-xmas-booking-form.pdf
Capacity for the Fayre was 70 traders and we now have fewer than 10 slots available so please get in touch soon!
If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact us on fayre@discoverhannahs.org
(Please note there is no actual deadline, once places are full, no more bookings will be taken).
For more information visit http://www.discoverhannahs.org/
Opportunity Location
Website: http://www.discoverhannahs.org/