Hannah Silva / Events / Sat 06 Feb 2010
Writing workshops and courses with Hannah Silva

Writing workshops and courses through Plymouth Adult Community Learning with Hannah Silva:
'Freeing your voice'
Sat, 6th Feb, 9:30-12:30, £12/£10
Hartley House, Plymouth.
This workshop will provide you with the tools and approaches to help you to tap into your unconscious, access your imagination and just write without having to wait for inspiration to strike! Open to all.
Call: 01752 660713 for more info and to book.
Improvers Creative Writing Course:
Tothill Community Centre, Plymouth
Monday evenings, 7-9pm, starts 22nd Feb.
A 10-16 week course to help you to build on your existing experience, develop your own pieces of writing and explore topics including: script writing, fiction, life writing, writing for children and how to get published... Some experience necessary, but call to check, for more info and to book: 01752 660713
For more information visit http://www.hannahsilva.co.uk/
Event Location
Website: http://www.hannahsilva.co.uk/