Haddon Fine Art Editions / News / Sun 21 Aug 2016

So why do you the artist need a publisher?

So why do you the artist need a publisher? The most important answer to this question is, you are the talent, let someone else sell that talent! With the acquisition of an publisher all the leg work and time consumed trying to sell your art is now the responsibility of the publisher. Your primary concern as a professional artist is to produce quality artwork, not to try and flog your wares to the market place.

Join the ranks of many of the Countries top published artists, we publish Tony Smith, Nigel Hemming, Mike Jackson, Richard Thorn, Laura Wall, Ray Balkwill and many more.

Haddon Fine Art Editions is based in Torquay and has over 60 galleries throughout the country selling our work. Prints have been sold as far away as Japan.

Please see our website for details.

WE ARE LOOKING FOR NEW ARTISTS TO PUBLISH, for publication in this years portfolio.

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6/7 Victoria Parade

Telephone: 01803 213 000

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