Grow Cheshunt

Grow Cheshunt Community Project

Grow Cheshunt is a community project, set up through the principles of permaculture to inspire more sustainable, creative and inclusive ways of living.

Set up by 3 Cheshunt residents who felt we can do better than we currently are, in terms of respect for our environment and local community.

We do the best we can, with what we have.
By sharing our ideas, opening our minds to others and building a network of like minded people, we have begun to build a community base; which we aim to expand in coming months, years.

Our environmental philosophy is at the core of what we do but through working outside of the community we connect with others who we might not meet otherwise.

We now have a shed at our allotment which means me can accommodate people in the unpredictable weather!
A place where people can enjoy being with nature, learn skills, grow food, and encourage a happier, healthier lifestyle.

We hold open days, inviting the local community to meet, enjoy nature and also help with certain tasks around the allotment space. We will also be opening up areas of the allotment for different groups in the community to maintain this year.

Through our own skills, skills of others and the generosity of the local community, we now host an open mic, comedy and swap shop once a month, all free of charge.

We are constantly looking to connect people and groups in the borough, and take everything in our stride.

Hertfordshire Year of Culture 2020 will generate a test bed for the Arts in our Borough and we can't be more excited to explore this area of our work with our community!

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My Location

Grow Cheshunt Allotment

Grow Cheshunt
Community Allotment
Dark Lane Allotments plot 55

Telephone: 07505 635 682

Profile Details

My News

Grow Cheshunt &amp; Wyld Edges Community Visioning workshop / <span itemprop="startDate" content="2021-01-07T00:00:00Z">Thu 07 Jan 2021</span>Grow Cheshunt & Wyld Edges Community Visioning workshop / Thu 07 Jan 2021

What is your vision for Grow Cheshunt allotment? We invite you to join us and share your ideas for what the future of Grow Cheshunt allotment looks...

Community Visions Workshop / <span itemprop="startDate" content="2021-01-20T00:00:00Z">Wed 20 Jan 2021</span>Community Visions Workshop / Wed 20 Jan 2021

What is your vision for Grow Cheshunt allotment? We invite you to join us and share your ideas for what the future of Grow Cheshunt allotment looks...

GROWTH Photography Exhibition / <span itemprop="startDate" content="2019-09-19T00:00:00Z">Thu 19 Sep</span> to <span  itemprop="endDate" content="2019-10-03T00:00:00Z">Thu 03 Oct 2019</span> <span>(2 weeks)</span>GROWTH Photography Exhibition / Thu 19 Sep to Thu 03 Oct 2019 (2 weeks)

We invite you to join us at our open evening to share your thoughts for the Borough of Broxbourne as we begin to look at partnership working within c...

YOUNG VOICES! of bob / <span itemprop="startDate" content="2019-02-20T00:00:00Z">Wed 20</span> to <span  itemprop="endDate" content="2019-02-22T00:00:00Z">Fri 22 Feb 2019</span> <span>(3 days)</span>YOUNG VOICES! of bob / Wed 20 to Fri 22 Feb 2019 (3 days)

GROW CHESHUNT present... Young Voices! Of the Borough of Broxbourne February Half Term 20th , 21st & 22nd Feb 2019 Flamstead End hall, Whitefie...

My Spaces

Community Allotment Plot 55 Dark Lane CheshuntCommunity Allotment Plot 55 Dark Lane Cheshunt

Grow Cheshunts Community Allotment Plot 55 on Dark Lane allotment site Cheshunt. A space to explore community growing of people and nature. Inspire...
