Green Hill Arts & Heritage / Events / Sat 30 Jan to Sun 13 Mar 2016 (1 month)
Print Show

From Urban to Moor, ink to plant juice. Four Devon Guild of Craftsmen members feature different print-making techniques in works that reflect the environment, macro and micro, urban and rural.
Anita Reynolds’ mark making is gestural and energetic, drawn from total immersion in the Dartmoor landscape, she uses the techniques of drypoint, carborundum and collagraph to translate her dynamic on-site sketches into printing plates in the studio. Lynn Bailey’s series ‘Urban Bees’ shows a different kind of wildness, her work is more restrained, but edgy, inspired by bee keeping on Exeter’s hidden city-centre rooftop gardens.
Rosie Sanders’ large unique botanical monotypes, which take up to six days to complete, reflect her disciplined and skilled fascination in the minutiae of things, whilst Sue Deakin’s direct prints search for something that expresses the miracle of growth and that intimate association so often ignored, between soil, our food plants, and us - their devourers.
A fabulous heart-warming winter show.
For more information visit http://www.greenhillarts.co.uk/
Event Location
Green Hill
Fore Street
TQ13 8LL
Telephone: 01647 440 775
Website: http://www.greenhillarts.co.uk/