Graham Palmer, writer / Events / Thu 13 Sep to Sat 06 Oct 2018 (3 weeks)
Facing Rob Roy (pop-up exhibition)

Celebrating the 200th anniversary of the publication of Walter Scott’s novel Rob Roy, this one-off pop-up exhibition explores the changing faces of Scotland’s ‘Robin Hood’. From Macready to Liam Neeson, from Barcelona to Broadway. Vintage playbills, cinema lobby cards, illustrations and twentieth century comics explore the constant recreation of the Scottish folk hero. (Linked talk on 15 September, 11am)
FREE ENTRY (during normal Museum Opening hours)
For more information visit https://grahampalmer.co.uk/facing-rob-roy
Event Location
Royston Museum
5 Lower King St, Royston SG8 5AL
Telephone: 01763 242 587
Email: curator@roystonmuseum.org.uk
Website: https://grahampalmer.co.uk/facing-rob-roy