DillyWorm Crafts

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Alice in Wonderland Prints on C18th Dictionary Pages

Alice in Wonderland Prints on C18th Dictionary Pages

Literary Prints on Vintage Dictionary Pages
Whether you can't get enough of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, Red Riding Hood is a beloved tale or The Wizard of OZ is for you, we have a section of favourite images and quotes printed on to the pages of an 18th century dictionary to give an original vintage twist.

Print: £15.00
Print in certificate frame: £20.00
Print in solid wood frame: £25.00
Print in solid wood frame with mount: £30.00

For more information visit https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.959339380743269.1073741834.242625259081355&type=3

Image Location

Telephone: 01243 533 421
Email: dwc@chichestercopywriter.co.uk
Website: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.959339380743269.1073741834.242625259081355&type=3

Image Details
