Exeter Phoenix Digital / Opportunities / Mon 29 Feb 2016
Exeter Phoenix MicroFilm Commission 2016

Exeter Phoenix is looking to commission 7 new films in 2016 that speak the language of cinema and that will connect with cinema audiences through brave, challenging and original ideas. Above all we are looking for a sense of potential that can be realized with our support.
Completed films will be premiered at Two Short Nights film festival and may be selected to precede features at Big Screen in the Park and in Studio 74.
Each commission will include £240 worth of training in camera skills, sound recording, postproduction and script development as well as £1500 worth of equipment hire, support through your production and advice on distribution and crowd funding. Projects will also receive sessions in producing, post-production, budget management and good film practice.
Exeter Phoenix MicroFilm Commission 2016
The MicroFilm Commissions will be concise, innovative stories developed for screen through brave and lustrous filmmaking. We are expecting these films to speak to a cinema audience and to be bold enough to sit before the Studio 74 Programme.
Who can apply: Exeter Phoenix MicroFilm Commission is open to individuals or groups based in Devon, UK, who have a great idea for a short film up to 3 minutes in length. Projects applying for the Exeter Phoenix MicroFilm Commission must have a director or producer attached to the project who is 18 or over.
Level of funding: We fund up to three short films at £500 per film.
For more information visit https://www.exeterphoenix.org.uk/commissions/current-commissions/
Opportunity Location
Telephone: 01392 667 066
Email: digital@exeterphoenix.org.uk
Website: https://www.exeterphoenix.org.uk/commissions/current-commissions/