
EvoKe / Opportunities / Mon 08 Feb 2021

Producer - Our Biennale Children's Art Festival

Producer - Our Biennale Children's Art Festival

Our Biennale is a festival of arts and culture made with children and young people in Kirklees. Throughout the festival musicians, artists, theatre-makers and choreographers work with schools and colleges to enable children and young people to make their very own remarkable pieces of music, art, drama and dance. What the children create is then exhibited and performed at the celebratory Biennale Finale event.

Evoke is seeking a producer (or producers) to deliver the Biennale Finale event in the best way possible under the current Covid restrictions. We need someone who will bring their own creativity, energy and enthusiasm to help ensure the children and young people get that rewarding feeling of having contributed to an amazing artistic and cultural celebration.

Production Fee

The successful applicant(s) will be paid a fee of £3,000. How many days work this will cover must be outlined in your application.

Production Budget

The production budget available is £4,450. A short proposal of how this money will be spent should be included in your application.

Submissions Deadline

Submission window opens on Monday January 28th at 12 noon and closes at 5pm on Monday February 8th. All proposals must be submitted to info@evokekirklees.org

What to Submit

We will accept written documents, slideshow presentations, videos and any other format you feel is appropriate. As long as the content is there, we are happy with whatever format you choose to submit your proposal. Read the Application Pack (available on our website) for what to include.


Interviews will then be held on Wednesday February 17th. Interviews will be conducted over Zoom video conferencing.

To discuss the role further or ask any questions, please email info@evokekirklees.org

For more information visit https://evokekirklees.org/job-opportunity-producer-for-our-bienn

Opportunity Location


Queen Street

Email: info@evokekirklees.org
Website: https://evokekirklees.org/job-opportunity-producer-for-our-bienn

Opportunity Details

Opportunity Types

