English Riviera Geopark / News / Fri 15 May 2009
That pint's got my name on it!

Have you ever fancied winning a day out day out at a beer festival with you and three mates, drinking a beer that you actually named? Probably not, but we bet you’d like to! The Occombe Farm Beer Festival takes place on the evening of Friday 5th and the daytime and evening of Saturday 6th June as part of the English Riviera Geopark Festival, and, as a completely unique initiative, Bays Brewery have offered to brew a special Geopark beer to be served at the event.
Occombe Farm is one of eight Geopark Gateway sites and showcases the importance of food and agriculture and the land from which it is farmed. This will be the first time an exclusive beer has been brewed in association with any of the 57 Geoparks around the world.
The delicious beer has yet to be named which is where your help is needed…don’t worry, you’ll be rewarded handsomely. The Geopark Organisation have put together a very special prize for the person who can come up with the most quirky and suitable name for the special English Riviera brew.
The winner will receive free entry for four people to the beer festival on the day of their choice, plus a souvenir glass each. Of course, you’ll need some beer to go in those glasses, so Bays Brewery are kindly giving you an 18 pint polypin container of your winning beer, as well as a special Bays Brewery Gift Pack. Then, of course, you’ll need something to soak up all that beer, and Occombe Farm are kindly donating four free organic steak burgers to enjoy, or falafels for vegetarians. If that wasn’t enough, you’ll also get your own chairs to sit on (in case your legs get a bit wobbly) to enjoy the fantastic live music on offer.
It’s a great prize, so get your thinking caps on. Remember, the English Riviera Geopark recognises our geological, historical and cultural heritage, so perhaps try and think of a snappy name that encapsulates that. Please send your suggestions to competition@englishrivierageopark.org.uk by Friday 22 May, with your name and contact phone number. Please note, you must be over 18 to enter this competition. Cheers!
For more information visit http://www.englishrivierageopark.org.uk/