Our Talking Young Men Torbay project for young Men who have offended or at risk of offending is well underway and we are really appreciating the strong commitment and enthusiasm from the Youth Offending Team [http://www.torbay.gov.uk/youth-offending] in Torbay. We have five young men all on offending orders attending the project exploring male identity through creative, therapeutic and outdoor rite of passage work. A rich layer has been added to this project through our new partnership with Write to Freedom and this will culminate in a residential weekend on Dartmoor in June. The project has been documented through our blogs and you can see how this project is progressing through lead artist, Ben Yeger's session posts. [http://www.encounters-arts.org.uk/index.php/category/news/young-people-talk…]
For more information visit http://www.encounters-arts.org.uk/index.php/talking-young-men-torbay-the-beginning/