Encounters / News / Tue 23 Jun 2015
Museum of Now event is a hit with visitors

OVER 100 Torquay residents came together last week at the Spanish Barn to make hundreds of objects from reclaimed, found and natural materials from Torquay.
This event was part of the Torquay based project, Museum of Now, which combines the exploration of museum exhibits with the real time creation of objects through a partnership between Encounters Arts and Torquay Museum.
At this popular hands-on event, people were invited to participate in a room full of making activities. Each was designed to invite people to explore how creating simple objects from materials around Torquay can help us come together around subjects that are important to us individually and collectively. Materials on offer for a range of 'makes' were collected from across Torquay and the surrounds and included shells, fishing line, old clothes, materials, thread and yarn, newspaper, wood and washed up plastics.
One of the most popular activities was 'Beads of Gratitude and Grief'. Visitors were invited to cut out stories or images from newspapers and magazines that made them feel Gratitude or Grief about the world and then reflect on these as they made small paper beads, a Victorian technique brought into the modern day. The beads will be collected together in a long necklace that reflects the collective response of all those who made beads during this event and a number of others workshops in the coming months.
Read more: http://www.torquayheraldexpress.co.uk/Museum-event-hit-visitors-Torquay/story-26749893-detail/story.html#ixzz3kQDNuHUe
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