Emma Carter / Events / Wed 04 to Sun 29 Jul 2012 (4 weeks)
The Secret Meaning of Flowers

'The Secret Meaning of Flowers' exhibtion will be on at Greewnay until July 30th 2012 showing an unsual collection of Emma photographs .This exhibition is in collabration with fine art illustartor Lotte Hobbs and Amina Razzik.
For more information visit http://www.emmacarter.com/
Event Location
Greenway Road Galmpton TQ5 0ES.
National Trust admission fees apply to non members. Please book cars in 01803 842382.
Tuesday - Sunday 10.30 - 5pm
Telephone: 01803 842 382
Email: fineart@emmacarter.com
Website: http://www.emmacarter.com/