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East Herts Council East Herts Arts Award

East Herts ARTS award

Local East Herts artists (living in, working in or other substantial connection) are invited to apply for an award of up to £7,000 to create an innovative art project, installation or performance for the enjoyment and benefit of East Herts residents and or businesses.

The deadline for return of submissions is 15 January 2014. The commission will be agreed before 31/3/14, but the project may be delivered anytime within the calendar year 2014.

The project may be in any form, temporal or permanent.

Applications can be made for the whole award or part of and can include projects for which other funding has been secured or is being sought.

The criteria used for assessment of the submissions will be:

o Innovation
o Accessibility (e.g. numbers of people benefitting and or participating)
o Aesthetic merit
o Legacy and impact

The entries will be assessed by a panel including representatives from East Herts Council, Hertford Regional College, Rhodes, Henry Moore Foundation and Hertford Theatre.

For an informal discussion please contact Will O’Neill East Herts Council on or 01992 531594.

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