Doorstep Arts / Events / Fri 30 Oct to Sun 01 Nov 2015 (3 days)
Storytelling Bicycle

Isabella Necessity (aka Sara Hurley) will be cycling around Torbay, telling stories about her adventures!
30 October, Paignton Town Centre
31 October, Torquay Town Centre
1 November, Brixham Town Centre
Admission: Free
Come along for a scintillating ride with the charming Isabella, let the doors of the mini theatre on her Story Cycle open wide and whisk you away to another world.
Isabella Storyteller travels the world on her Story Cycle sharing tales of her incredible adventures with whosoever she meets. She’s visited the palace where the silent empress lives with her elephants, learnt Kung-Fu on the Mountain of Kunyu and rested in a robin’s nest. With delightful storytelling, gorgeous illustrations and unexpected wonders, Isabella whisks you away to another world.
About Isabella
Isabella Necessity travels to fairs and festivals, markets and fields around the country with her outdoor storytelling show. AKA Sara Hurley - storyteller, actor, participatory artist and director of combined arts company Blazing Tales. Alongside performing she works in schools and communities.
For more information visit http://www.doorsteptheatre.co.uk/
Event Location
Email: doorsteparts@gmail.com
Website: http://www.doorsteptheatre.co.uk/