Doorstep Arts / Opportunities / Mon 24 Nov 2014
Children's drama leader, Torbay

Doorstep Arts is looking to appoint a part-time theatre practitioner to lead five participatory groups for primary aged children. Little Doorstep clubs cater to children aged 4-13, and children create their own stories, music, and dance. Two clubs are after-school provision and three are open sessions. These groups meet during term-time only.
The practitioner will be experienced in working with primary ages, have extensive experience in drama facilitation, and be organized, reliable, committed and able to handle administrative responsibilities. They will be ready to work long-term as part of a collaborative and supportive team. They will be able to write and craft imaginative curriculum which honours the childrens' imaginations & voices, creating beautiful performances which are led by the participants' ideas.
Applicants should submit a CV and covering letter to Doorstep Arts via email – doorsteparts@gmail.com. Any questions can be directed to the same email.
Applications are DUE by Monday 24 November by 5 PM.
For more information visit http://www.doorsteparts.co.uk/
Opportunity Location
Email: doorsteparts@gmail.com
Website: http://www.doorsteparts.co.uk/