Doncaster Libraries / News / Mon 22 Oct 2018
Doncaster Reads September & October 2018

Every two months Doncaster Libraries and Waterstones invite you to read and review the same book as many others across Doncaster.
In a fast paced world, where increasing pressures can lead to stress and anxiety, we need to find ways to relax to maintain our mental health and well-being. Current thinking promotes digital detox and mindfulness as ways of doing this.
The September and October Read is a selection of books to help you find out and decide whether any of the methods described are for you. In fact, research shows that just reading any book slows the heart rate and reduces muscle tension and stress.Choose from:
Journey into Mindfulness,
Stressed Unstressed,
Mindfulness in Eight Weeks
To get involved you can loan or reserve the chosen ‘Doncaster Read' from your library, there may also be e-books available online. Or you can purchase a copy from Waterstones, at their Frenchgate branch.
For more information visit https://library.doncaster.gov.uk/web/arena/the-doncaster-read
News Location
Doncaster Libraries
Doncaster Central Library,
South Yorkshire.
Telephone: 01302 734 314
Email: centrallibrary@doncaster.gov.uk
Website: https://library.doncaster.gov.uk/web/arena/the-doncaster-read