Dewsbury Creative Town / Opportunities / Mon 15 Mar 2021
Artist Opportunities: Dewsbury Creative Town

Beam is pleased to launch an open call for 3 temporary artist opportunities as part of the Dewsbury Creative Town arts programme.
Beam is looking for -
• artists or artist collectives based in or with strong connections to Kirklees, West Yorkshire
• artists early in their careers or those seeking to gain more experience working in the public realm
Each commission has a different focus:
1. Contemporary Large Scale Mural: developing a bespoke, contemporary design, inspired by nature, flora & fauna, and landscapes. Budget up to £6000+VAT if applicable
2. Contemporary Mural Dewsbury Arcade: a vibrant, eye-catching contemporary mural design for boarding which screens the building during stabilisation works. Budget up to £6000+VAT if applicable
3. Temporary Textiles Public Art Installation in partnership with the WOVEN in Kirklees Festival - a temporary physical installation in Dewsbury town centre during WOVEN 2021 (5 - 27 June). Budget up to £8000+VAT if applicable
Download all briefs from https://www.beam.uk.net/events/871/
Dewsbury Creative Town is a three year arts programme which will include a series of art interventions in the town. It is funded by Kirklees Council and forms part of the Dewsbury Blueprint initiative, a 10 year plan seeking to honour the heritage of the town, build on recent investments and make the town more attractive.
For more information visit https://www.beam.uk.net/events/871/