Dewsbury Arts Group

Dewsbury Arts Group / Events / Sat 14 to Sat 21 Mar 2020 (1 week)

Ask me tomorrow, by Stan Barstow

Ask me tomorrow, by Stan Barstow

Best known for 'A kind of loving' Stan Barstow was born in Horbury.
Ask me tomorrow, centres around Wilf Cotton, an aspiring young writer, who leaves home to live in a nearby city. Lodging with Mrs Swallow, he meets Marguerite Fisher, a girl with her own troubles and unhappy past. Poignant, but not without some humour, a great play!

14th - 20th March, - -no Sunday performance

Event Location

Dewsbury Arts Group

David and Judith Wood Theatre, Lower Peel Street,
WF13 2ED

Telephone: 01924 505 861

Event Details
