Dawlish Art Hub (TRAIL) / Events / Sat 27 Mar 2010
Dawlish Art Hub creative workshop at the Manor House, Dawlish

Saturday 27th March, starting at 12.30 until 4pm (stay for as long as you like)
This month, join us in celebrating Indian New Year; the start of Spring, and World Water Day, with printing and crafts, create beautiful books and inspiring cards. No previous experience required.
For children and young people (up to 13 years)
Children under 7 yrs must be accompanied by an older relative/carer.
£5.50 per child/young person (concessions available for low income and larger families, parents/carers free)
Led by CRB checked- professional artist and assistant.
To book and for more info email: dawlishhubtrail@gmail.com