Dave Carr / News / Mon 16 Mar 2009
Thinking of using an Apple Mac?

Is your computer causing you problems, is it holding back your more creative side?
Using an Apple Mac can show your work in it’s best possible light, with good photos, attractive letters and newsletters (both paper and electronic), emails, websites, Facebook and blogs!
Mac computers are really easy to use. They help to bring out your creative side by integrating word and desktop publishing programmes with digital photos, music and movies.
Your work is fully compatible with people using Windows computers.
This course is for YOU if you are thinking of using an Apple Mac, or just want to learn how to get the best from the one you have. Apple is ideal for self employed people or Small Businesses, Teachers and Community Groups.
We will provide hands on instruction to get you up and running with whatever you want to do.
Where. South Devon College, Vantage Point, Room 2.140
When. Tuesdays 5-7 pm, 5 weeks from 28th April 2009, or Wednesdays 7-9 pm, 5 weeks from 29th April 2009
Cost. £31
Telephone Brixham Community College 01803 853302
Email. adulted@brixhamcollege.torbay.sch.uk
Course Code. Tu48 or W46)