Dance in Devon / News / Thu 25 Oct 2018
Performance and Micro Commission Opportunity

Performance Opportunity
Dance in Devon is delighted to invite Devon dance artists to apply to take part in our seventh edition of Watch This Space. Each year we are proud to showcase some of the best ‘home grown’ dance in the region. We are working with our partner, Dartington Arts, to host Watch This Space 2019 on 17th March at Dartington Space.
We will select a programme of work that reflects the diversity of artists working in Devon and further afield. Approximately 6 artists (3 commissioned artists) will be given the opportunity to show their work, each piece at a maximum of 15 minutes in length, this can be an extract of a longer piece
We are looking for:
• New live performance or film made by dance artists who live, work and/or have a connection with and commitment to Devon and the South West. We’re keen to support Devon artists in particular, but will open up this opportunity to the wider South West region
• Performance-ready work. Sorry no ‘scratch’ or work-in-progress
• A clear technical brief, within the working limitations of the event
• Artists committed to taking part in a post show Q & A discussion
• Artists who work to professional standards at all times
• Participants who are supportive of all other artists involved in the event
• Work with necessary copyrights, permissions secured
What we can offer:
• A platform to perform your work
• Stage management
• Marketing and publicity (print, website, social media etc.)
• Basic technical support
• Ticketing through Dartington box office
• Documentation (photography)
• We will invite SW programmers
Micro Commission
In addition we are offering three micro commissions to support local artists to finalise or rehearse work for Watch This Space. We are interested to reflect the diversity of approaches to dance in Devon. Three artists will be awarded a commission of £500 and 2 days of free studio space at Dartington. We are open to the widest interpretation of dance, including dance on screen and look forward to being surprised by a variety of submissions. We are keen to hear from inclusive groups and disabled dance artists.
To be eligible for the micro-commission, you must apply with:
Work in development that, through the support of the commission, will be progressed to a performance ready standard (or a 15-minute extract) for Watch This Space 2019. Sorry no ‘scratch’ or work-in-progress for the final sharing.
Be based in Devon or making work in Devon.
Watch This Space
To apply for the open call for completed new choreographic work please complete the form from our website, including a link to max 3 mins video excerpt of the work in development or face to camera talk about the work.
Watch This Space & Micro Commission
To apply for a mini commission please complete the form from our website, including a link to max 3 mins video excerpt of the work in development or face to camera talk about the work. If you are applying for the commission you do not need to apply for WTS separately.
The deadline for applications is Monday 26th November at 5pm.
Please email administrator@danceindevon.org.uk if you have any queries.
For more information visit http://danceindevon.org.uk/watch-space-2019-performance-micro-commission-opportunity/