Dance in Devon / News / Tue 24 Jul 2018
Help us to keep older people in Devon dancing!

At Dance in Devon, we believe that dance can be for everyone. Life is better when we move together and we are proud that we have been able to make this happen for all kinds of people in all kinds of ways.
But we now need your support to continue our Best Foot Forward dance project for older people.
Best Foot Forward is one of our passion projects and it has reminded us just how joyful and powerful dance can be. 12 months ago, a curious group of older people came together, with doctors and family spurring them on, to see how dancing might help them be stronger, more confident and more independent and what a difference a year makes!
Now, a group of beaming, brave, energetic dancers, their journey this last year has been almost unbelievable. We are all blown away by their commitment, courage and artistry. What started as an experiment in dance for health has become one of the tightest communities we work with. As a group of dancers they have developed confidence, skill and style – performing in festivals, making new work, contributing to how the sessions might develop. As a group of friends they have been on theatre trips, held tea parties, given each other with lifts and they’ve been there for one another through the more difficult days.
We are so proud that we made this happen but Best Foot Forward has come to an end and we really don’t want to stop these amazing people dancing together or stop offering these opportunities to others. If we can raise £5k now, our small, dedicated team can continue to deliver Best Foot Forward in Torbay for a further 6 months.
We know that the simple joy of making and sharing dance really can change lives. Can you support us to continue Best Foot Forward?
If we reach this target any additional funds raised will allow us to work with new partners to develop this project further across Devon.
For more information visit https://www.crowdfunder.co.uk/best-foot-forward-dance-for-older-people