Dance in Devon seeks an Administrator to support our small team in all administrative duties, to ensure the smooth running of our office and help us to co-ordinate our diverse arts projects across the county.
Terms: 8 hours per week (potential for hours to increase subject to funding)
Fixed Term: April 2019 – March 2020 (continuing subject to funding)
Purpose: To provide office systems and administrative support
How To Apply: Send CV with covering letter (1 page) explaining how you meet the Person Specification and what you would bring to the post.
Please also provide details of 2 referees.
Applications by e-mail please to: director@danceindevon.org.uk
DEADLINE to Apply: Tuesday 5th March 2019 2pm
Interviews: 12th March 2019 in Dartington
Terms of employment: Fixed term post April 2019-March 2020. This post is subject to a probationary period of three months.
Start date: April 2019
Visit http://danceindevon.org.uk/opportunities/jobs/ to dowload the Job and Person specification fro the role.
For more information visit http://danceindevon.org.uk/opportunities/jobs/
Opportunity Location
Dance in Devon
Telephone: 07305 141 579
Email: director@danceindevon.org.uk
Website: http://danceindevon.org.uk/opportunities/jobs/