creativescene / Opportunities / Tue 20 Oct 2020
Creative Scene funded to host a Weston Jerwood Creative Fellow

Creative Scene are delighted to open applications for Participation Producer: Creative Cultures - a role which is supported by Weston Jerwood Creative Bursaries, a national scheme which is focussed on increasing opportunities for those from socio-economic backgrounds which we know are under-represented in the arts and cultural sector.
The post-holder will be tasked with making connections with young people in North Kirklees and, with support from the whole Creative Scene team, be tasked with devising of programme of events and activities that engage young people in our local area.
For further information and details on how to apply, please visit: www.creativescene.org.uk/jobs
For more information visit http://www.creativescene.org.uk/jobs
Opportunity Location
Creative Scene
9 Wellington Road, Dewsbury
WF13 1HF
Email: sara@creativescene.org.uk
Website: http://www.creativescene.org.uk/jobs