Creatives Across Sussex / Opportunities / Mon 11 Jun 2012
Sound Artist: ‘Starting Line’ Paralympic Torch Relay Commission

‘Starting Line’ – Paralympic Torch Relay Commission August 2012
An experienced Sound Artist is required by Accentuate to work on a new outdoor commission for the Paralympic Torch Relay Event on 28th August 2012. Accentuate is the London 2012 Legacy Programme for the South East based with Screen South.
Taking inspiration from the spirit and vision of Paralympic Athletes and celebrating Stoke Mandeville as the birth place of the Paralympic Games, Starting Line builds a dynamic universal performance collaboration between disabled and non disabled young people from around the globe, including spinally injured young people from Stoke Mandeville Hospital. The work is being created by a team of artistic collaborators and the resulting performance, which includes dance, live art and film, and will be performed by a group of emerging young British dancers.
The majority of the work will take place during a 2-week creation period from 1st-4th August and from 20th August through until the performance. However, the Sound Artist will need to be available to start working with Artistic director immediately. Though the appointed sound artist will not need to be present on all days during the creation period, they will need to be available for meetings and a site visit at other times.
Accentuate is looking for submissions from sound artists with a proven track record of creating and producing high quality original sound scores.
We are particularly interested to hear from people with experience of working with choreographers and/or visual artists, and also invite submissions from artists interested in working with young people with a disability.
The fee for this work will be up to £2,500. (Based on up to 10 days work at £250/day.)
This fee is inclusive of travel. Some days will need to be spent in London, or in Aylesbury.
The deadline for all applications is midday on Monday 11th June 2012.
For more details, or to request a full brief and an application form please contact
stephanie.adamou@accentuate-se.org or call 01303 259777.