Creatives Across Sussex / Events / Fri 01 Mar 2013
Free arts workshop: Developing partnerships with schools

Artswork is running a series of FREE one-day workshops which will provide an understanding of changes in education policy and primary and secondary schools practice. The day will provide a refreshed awareness of the value of partnerships, key education language in which to frame conversations and projects, and strategies for gaining access to decision makers in schools to ensure the work happens.
You will gain new information and practical ideas about how to develop your offer with and for primary and secondary schools. It will include the latest information on EBACC and curriculum reform; the role of Academies and the growing independence of schools; OFSTED; the Henley Review and the role of Teaching Schools. The workshop will cover working with primary and secondary schools and is suitable for small and mid-scale organisations as well as NPOs and museums, libraries and heritage organisations.
The session will be led by Trevor Harris who has worked in Arts Education for over 30 years as the leader of Expressive and Performing Arts Faculties, as a Deputy Head Teacher and as the Arts College Manager at Stantonbury Campus. He has also taught on PGCE, BA and MA programmes, as well as running national training in Arts Education and Staff Development. He is currently the Chairperson of the Milton Keynes Arts Education Forum (MKAEF), which is committed to providing arts activities, information, advice and guidance.
To book in the Surrey, East/West Sussex and Brighton & Hove sub-region.
Friday 1 March 2013
10:00-15:00 Lighthouse, Brighton http://artsworkbrighton.eventbrite.co.uk
Friday 5 April 2013
10:00-15:00 The Electric Theatre, Guildford http://artsworkguildford.eventbrite.co.uk
For additional dates across the South East region visit http://www.artswork.org.uk/training-arts-culture
For more information visit http://www.artswork.org.uk/training-arts-culture/