Creatives Across Sussex / News / Fri 23 Sep 2011
A call to action: Today we're asking for your help!

We've seen some brilliant content added to our site since our launch, but we know we're only scratching the surface of the creative talent that's out there.
Two of our biggest ambitions for the network are to raise the profile of our local creative individuals, businesses and places, and to provide space for networking and sharing what you do with other creative professionals and consumers.
So if you'd like to help us achieve these aims, we'd like to ask you to help us spread the word about Creative West Sussex, whether by email, social media, or good old word of mouth.
Could you share a link to our website via your social media pages? Or tweet about us to fellow creatives? If you know anyone who you think would love to get involved and join the network, why not send them a link?
In return, we'll feature your profiles, news, and media in our weekly newsletter, and plug your content via our social media channels.
If you have any questions about adding content to the site, or would like us to send you some information about Creative West Sussex to share with your own networks or feature on your website or newsletter, you can email us on info@creativewestsussex.com.
Thanks for your support!
Here are the links to our social media pages: