Creative Torbay / News / Tue 08 Nov 2011
Woodward Charitable Trust awards grant

deadline - 30 November 2011
The Woodward Charitable Trust awards grant funding to small-scale, locally-based charitable initiatives in the UK in the following areas:
• children and young people;
• minority groups including refugees, gypsies and travellers;
• prisoners and ex-offenders;
• disability;
• homelessness;
• arts outreach;
• environmental projects;
• summer playschemes.
The scheme is intended to support small scale organisations that work for the benefit of their local area. Applications are accepted from UK registered charities with an annual turnover of less than £300,000. Funding is primarily for one-off projects, but the Trustees are willing to consider funding running costs, including core cost and salaries.
For more information visit http://www.woodwardcharitabletrust.org.uk/