Creative Torbay / News / Wed 16 Oct 2013
The Wallace & Gromit’s Children’s Foundation

The Wallace & Gromit’s Children’s Foundation has announced that its grants making programme has re-opened for applications. The Foundation supports projects in children’s hospitals and hospices throughout the UK to enrich and enhance the lives of patients.
Projects that could be considered by the Foundation include amongst others:
1. Arts, music, play and leisure programmes
2. Facilities to support families of children treated in hospitals or hospices
3. Care and facilities in hospices
4. Supporting children with physical and emotional difficulties
5. Medical equipment.
In the past, the average grant awarded was just over £9,000. Previous projects supported include:
1. Naomi House Children's Hospice Winchester which received funding for new play equipment and art materials
2. The Royal Hospital for Sick Children, Edinburgh, which received funding towards a new family accommodation facility to enable more parents to stay near their children.
The closing date for applications is the 6th December 2013. Read more at: http://www.wallaceandgromitfoundation.org/about/apply-for-grant/