Creative Torbay / Opportunities / Fri 24 Jun 2016
Two Artist in Residence at Time & Tide Museum, Gt Yarmouth

Fees: Each residency - £2800 inclusive
Deadline: Friday 24th June 2016 at 5pm
We are looking for two highly skilled:
• Woodworking artist
• Basketwork artist
To join our crafts people in residence programme at Time and Tide Museum as part of our Crafting History programme. Crafting History is a Heritage Lottery Fund, Young Roots programme. Young People from Creative Collisions Youth Arts network are working work with Norfolk Museums and Norfolk Arts & Library Services and to set up and manage six, twelve week, craft residencies at Time & Tide Museum. Young People have identified key craft skills that have contributed significantly to the heritage of Great Yarmouth and which they feel still have the potential to inspire and engage their age group. They will help to select contemporary practitioners who are using the crafts in new and exciting ways and who also have a deep understanding of how their craft has been practiced traditionally. Practitioners will create original work inspired by museum collections and share their process directly with young people through master classes, workshops and, where practical, studio visits. Work produced by artists and young people will be exhibited at Time & Tide in spring 2017. Delivery of the project will happen in October/November/December 2016.
Artists will be contracted for 14 days at £200 per day – Total fee £2800. Additional allowance for accommodation & travel can also be negotiated.
Materials are not included in the fee.
Enquiries & details of how to apply by email to: Tricia Hall - tricia.hall@norfolk.gov.uk