Creative Torbay / News / Thu 04 Apr 2013
RedballUK - Evaluation and Case Study

“People respond to the RedBall in different ways. All sorts of things happen’
Kurt Pershke, Artist
On behalf of Torbay Council and Dartington Arts, welcome to the RedballUK Evaluation Report. Here, we share some of what we learned through the production of, RedBallUK, a large scale multidimensional public arts project, featuring New York artist, Kurt Perschke’s RedBall Project.
The evaluation of arts projects is of ever increasing importance particularly when justifying to funders the viability and worth of projects that cannot easily be measured financially. By sharing some of the successes and failures of the project we hope that when planning your next arts project you will find some use in the lessons we have learned. Inside this report we discuss key elements of the project, from its planning and design right through to its implementation and subsequent evaluation. We show you how we analysed numbers in terms of audience attraction, the value of media attention and we also share with you some of the responses from various organizers, hosts, general members of the public and some of the children involved in the education strand.
The report is divided into nine sections. Each section deals with a specific element of the project. It discusses how we implemented the element practically; the results of what we did and finally some key learnings and recommendations for consideration on future projects. We have tried to keep it simple and accessible by extracting the key points from each stage of the project. At various stages, however, you will be pointed to further resources if you want more detailed information. We hope you will find this report interesting and if you would like further information please do contact us.
Finally, we would like to use this opportunity to thank our funders and everyone who worked on the project as without their hard work, support, expertise and enthusiasm the project simply would not have happened.
Mischa and David
For more information visit http://creativetorbay.com/networks/creative-torbay/documents/redballuk-case-study.pdf