Creative Torbay / Opportunities / Fri 21 Oct 2016
Public Engagement Officer, Hall For Cornwall

22.5 hours a week; fixed term until Jul 2017 with the possibility of extension to Dec 2021 (funding dependent), £20,000 pa pro rata
Hall For Cornwall (HFC) has received support from the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) for a project entitled Revealing City Hall: One Building, 1265 Voices - which recognises the building’s importance as an historic civic and cultural centre at the heart of Cornwall’s community. A development funding grant has initially been awarded to help HFC progress plans and apply for a full grant at a later stage. This themed heritage activity programme will reveal, the 350-year history of the City Hall site, interpreting the building’s association with the themes of cultural identity, trade and commerce, economic crisis, migration, justice and civil unrest and emancipation.
This is an exciting opportunity for an engaging and effective communications professional, who will increase public awareness and understanding of the Revealing City Hall project. Confident and articulate, they will lead on the development and delivery of a communications strategy which will connect the project to a broader audience and help achieve its public engagement targets. An excellent team worker, the post holder will need to work to tight deadlines in an organised and collaborative way, establishing and developing relationships with all stakeholders involved in the project.
For more information and an application form visit: https://www.hallforcornwall.co.uk/online/article/jobs
Please return completed application forms to recruitment@hallforcornwall.org.uk
Deadline for applications: noon, Fri 21 Oct
Interviews: Mon 31 Oct
Hall for Cornwall is an equal opportunities employer