Creative Torbay / Opportunities / Tue 03 Jan 2017
Participation Manager: Arts Alive Wales

Participation Manager: Arts Alive Wales
28 hours per week – or 0.8
NJC scale 5.22 to 6.28 (£20,456 to £24,717 pro-rata 0.8)
Old School, Brecon Road, Crickhowell, Powys, NP8 1DG
Closing date Tuesday 3 January 2017 at 5pm
We are seeking an exceptional individual to join our staff team as Participation Manager. The post is a strategic appointment to ensure that we extend creative opportunity to those who face the greatest barriers to arts participation within our rural region. Our high-quality participation programme is central to the delivery of the organisation’s mission, objectives and artistic policy. The successful applicant will be a creative and dynamic person, and a brilliant communicator. The post is supported by 3 years of funding from The Henry Smith Charity.
Visit the website to download an application pack: artsalivewales.org.uk or email info@artsalivewales.org.uk. Only electronic applications will be accepted. For more information or to discuss the post, contact Chief Executive, Justine Wheatley on 01873 811579