Creative Torbay / Opportunities / Wed 28 Sep 2016
Opportunity: circus enthusiasts and writers, The Circus Diaries

Circus Needs You!
Come and watch new work and get involved with the conversation in Bristol this September. Grania Pickard is presenting a special preview of 'He Ain't Heavy' at 2:30pm on Friday 29th, and Citrus Arts are performing 'Ceirw - Savage Hart' at 7:30pm on Saturday 30th. We're inviting people who are willing to write a response to the work to get in touch for a ticket to the show - we'll have an informal chat about each one with the group afterwards, and then you submit a response which will be published online.
For 'He Ain't Heavy' contact lina[@]ausform.co.uk for a free ticket
For 'Ceirw - Savage Hart' contact me circus[@]katharinekavanagh.com for special offer £5 ticket
The work we make can't exist in a vacuum, so we need people to talk about it, analyse it, and share their experiences of it. Get involved in growing the visibility and strength of circus arts in the region!
Katharine Kavanagh info@katharinekavanagh.com