Creative Torbay / News / Wed 20 Jan 2016
News of ACE Funding .... Battersea Arts Centre & Doorstep Arts

Huge news for the Bay...
Battersea Arts Centre and their local partners Doorstep Arts have been successful in securing funding to continue their wonderful partnership which......
- Brings high quality work down here for bi-annual festivals (next one in April)
- Runs all year round workshops and classes inspiring our young people
- Supports the creative sector in the area through its inspiring scratch programme and partnership working
Check out the Doorstep website for all the details of the work they do in the Bay.....
ACE press release......
Battersea Arts Centre - Collaborative Touring Network
Grant: £1,242,633
Artform: Theatre
Area: London
The Collaborative Touring Network (CTN) is a collective of eight independent producing teams supported by Battersea Arts Centre. The network was first awarded Strategic Touring Funding in 2013, and began as a partnership between six producing teams and Battersea Arts Centre. In this new round of funding, the network will expand to reach more areas of England. Over three years, CTN will use bi-annual festivals of high-quality theatre to catalyse cultural regeneration in eight towns and cities across England with low levels of engagement.