Creative Torbay / News / Wed 05 Jun 2013
Grants: The Mental Health charity, Time to Change

The Mental Health charity, Time to Change has announced that its grants programme will re-open for applications in the Summer of 2013. Through the programme, grants of up to £100,000 are available to constituted not for profit organisations for projects that bring people with and without mental health problems together to challenge discrimination in their communities. Time to Change plan to fund approximately 75 projects between 2012 and 2015.
Previous projects supported include:
1. Refugee Radio which received a grant to enable 10 refugees and asylum seekers with mental health problems to put on events for the wider refugee community;
2. “abandofbrother” which received funding to enable 12 men with experience of mental health problems, from different London communities, to take part in workshops where they will talk about mental health and discrimination.
25% of the fund is for projects run by and for people from Black and Minority Ethnic communities and 20% is for projects that work with an audience of children and young people, in specific regions.
Read more at: http://time-to-change.org.uk/grants.