Creative Torbay / News / Tue 02 Feb 2016
GeoOpera - Young Musicians - calling YOU!

Are you interested in helping
to compose a new piece of
musical theatre with local
musicians and the Bournemouth
Symphony Orchestra?
In September 2016, the International UNESCO Global Geoparks
Conference lands in our Geopark and will welcome hundreds of
visitors and geologists from Geoparks across the planet. During the
opening ceremony, musicians, singers, actors and dancers from
across the English Riviera UNESCO Global Geopark will bring
to life the entire geological history of Planet Earth with an amazing
musical new theatre piece...
We need you
If you are interested in musical composition (any genre!) and are
aged between 14 and 35 - we would love you to join us on this
monumentally exciting journey and to play your part in GeoOpera.
Sessions will take place every Tuesday evening (6-8pm) starting on
Tuesday 23rd February 2016 at Torbay Music Hub HQ, Bishops Place,
Paignton TQ3 3DZ
For more details contact Meg and Hugh: doorsteparts@gmail.co.uk
Find us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/GeoCollective
For more information visit http://www.facebook.com/GeoCollective